I had never really thought about what motivates me from day to day life before your presentation. The activity in which we discussed our personal motivations with our partners was not only enlightening in the moment but also provided me with a new insight into the lives of the people around me. A.V 2015
I would certainly recommend to friends to use Sixtine especially for teens and young adults who are a bit lost, don’t know what they’re good at and haven’t found their passions yet. Her relaxed style and gentle nudging can help unlock and encourage young adults to seek out new ideas that a parent just can’t do since we are typically too close to the situation.​
I would certainly recommend to friends to use Sixtine especially for teens and young adults who are a bit lost, don’t know what they’re good at and haven’t found their passions yet. Her relaxed style and gentle nudging can help unlock and encourage young adults to seek out new ideas that a parent just can’t do since we are typically too close to the situation.​
J.E, October 2018
J.E, October 2018
G.C, November 2017
JE, October 2018
JE, October 2018
GC, November 2017
A.G, Janvier 2018
CF October 2020
What was the goal of the coaching? What challenges did you face?
The goal was to assess my current job after a burn-out. My working conditions are sometimes so overwhelming that it seems at times impossible to keep doing it.
It was also not a job that I chose, but a job that was imposed by circumstances.
What did the coaching make possible?
To dream big. Sixtine opens all the doors, makes it clear that you should not limit yourself to what you already know but explore new paths.
Sixtine then makes you work at matching your current skills to your potential new jobs.
What specific tools did you discover? How useful are they in your life right now?
One of the hardest task for me during the coaching was to list soft skills. As a French woman, we tend to not speak positively about ourselves, so coming up with a list of “human” skills was extremely difficult at first.
Once it has been done, then, the importance of doing such a listing appeared very clearly as those are the skills that you can bring to a new job when hard skills are not so easily transferable.
I know that this part of the coaching will be extremely important when having to write a new résumé or during job interviews, for instance.
Another tool I got from the coaching, kind of the icing on the cake since I was questioning my job and was not (I thought) in need for a coaching regarding my life, was to set some very specific goals for myself.
I used to set very vague goals such as “go to the gym more often”, which is the open
door to not doing it at all.
During a step of the coaching, Sixtine made me work at setting realistic yet specific goals such as “go to the gym twice a week”.
I knew right there that it would be a tool I will be using in my daily life.
If you were to recommend me to a friend, what would you say?
I would highly recommend that they do a skill assessment with you if they are not happy in their current job.
I got so much more from it than I expected. Not only do I get a clear vision of possible pathways towards a new career, but I also got to understand the reasons for my unhappiness with my current job and got to understand myself better.
I also felt some of the sessions were therapeutics : since my undertaking a skill appraisal was linked to a burn-out, it felt great to have a few sessions during which I could really explain what was wrong with my current position and to feel listened to.
G.C Nov 2017
We went to a point that we were unable to help our daughter. Sixtine gave here a new confidence; she opened new perspectives, she showed her that she was able to do better when she felt really weak. A third party advice, especially for a teenager, can make a big difference! After 2 months of work I heard my daughter talk about how she now feel good to be in class and her pride to get good grades after working hard, an amazing change.
L.H November 2017
I read the reviews, the course offered, but the decision was made when I realized you are European, had transitioned to the US and had 4 children yourself. I felt you would understand the challenges faced by students who have not come up through the US education system.
I noticed several changes: he is more engaged, enthusiastic and tries to reason with the challenges faced. He is also very interested in the behavioral aspects of change and organization presented in the session. He also really enjoyed the sessions and felt really listened to.
I would say to friends the course give them some time out from parents, a sounding board for their own ideas. I want to add that you are very sensible and organized and very effectively manage the student.
Jan 2018
I've always had a hard time figuring out what exactly I wanted to do of my life. Coaching became obvious two look into my very first job after university: I was not at the right place but had no idea what this right place was exactly and how to find it! What did the coaching make possible?
Through the use of quite simple (and almost obvious!) questions and tools, coaching has helped me take a step back from my difficult situation. Writing down my thoughts and answers to Sixtine’s questions seemed to make everything crystal clear again and gave me directions to move forward towards my goal.
The 3 tools that have helped me most and that will remain in my life toolbox are:
- Making the effort to change perspective
- Asking myself: what am I missing to reach my goal?
- Capitaine vs. Saboteur
Anne-Catherine March 2019
Sixtine helped me in a very pivotal moment of my life. After 10 years being a stay at home mom I felt the need to start a new professional career but was completely lost not knowing what to do and where to start.
Sixtine helped me to find what defines me, who I am, what drives me and how I see myself in the future. She encouraged me every steps of the way and knew which tools to use to help me make decisions. I now have a clear path to follow, I feel confident that I took the right decisions and I am looking forward to see what the future will bring!
J.E Oct 2018
I would certainly recommend to friends to use Sixtine especially for teens and young adults who are a bit lost, don’t know what they’re good at and haven’t found their passions yet. Her relaxed style and gentle nudging can help unlock and encourage young adults to seek out new ideas that a parent just can’t do since we are typically too close to the situation.​
Fanny August 2019
What was the goal of the coaching? What challenges did you face?
The goal of the coaching was to get past a difficult experience relating to a close person, but it became multifaceted along the road. Coaching helped me overcome general anxieties and worries. Opening to a life coach is surely a challenge, one has to share their experience and most importantly open themselves to advice presented to them. It can be a little daunting in the beginning but Sixtine soon made everything very easy going and approachable.
What did the coaching make possible?
Coaching helped me not only to get past the difficult personal experience in order to continue living life to the fullest, but it also taught me a lot about myself. I learned to reconnect with my values, what I stand for and how to deal with my anxieties.
What specific tools did you discover? How useful are they in your life right now?
Sixtine introduced to many different tools that I will be able to utilize all throughout my life. The most helpful in my opinion was the journal. Dedicating 30 minutes each day to put all my thoughts in a journal not only helped me to rationalize my thoughts but also to peacefully enjoy my day without any negative thoughts. Some other tools that Sixtine made me discover include using metaphors to visualize your emotions, listing my values and asking different people around me what they thought my values are, and setting goals for myself using a scale of 1 to 10. All of these methods are crucial to me now and I know I will use them on a regular basis.
If you were to recommend me to a friend, what would you say?
Whatever may be happening in your life, Sixtine can surely help you. She is open-minded, knowledgeable and most importantly great at her job. She will understand your issues but also work with you in order to move forwards. She gives you the keys to live your life to the fullest.
​J.V June 2018
After a difficult return from Mexico where I studied during one year, Master student in International Relations, I was confused about many things and I did not know towards where I wanted to go professionally. Firstly, Sixtine gave me great self-empowering tools to work on myself, to help me to get to know myself better and become aware of ‘my essentials’. We did that through a work on values, on my strengths and weaknesses as well as the 'exploration by others' tool that I found absolutely brilliant. This first part of the coaching helped me to value all the resources I have in me and to change my perspective so as to gain self-confidence. Once this ‘core work’ was done, we worked on my interests, ‘me at my best’, and long-term perspectives. It enlightened me a lot and enabled me to refine my choices in my internship search. I highly recommend Sixtine who is very competent and I think her experiences both in France and in the US enriched greatly her vision. Sixtine is not a simple coach, her multicultural experiences and her human qualities are valuable and make her accompaniment all the more comprehensive! A huge thanks to Sixtine, thanks to her accompaniment, I now apprehend my future much more serenely and with excellent tools I bear in mind and can reuse.
F.C May 2019
What was the goal of the coaching? What challenges did you face?
Le but de ma démarche en coaching était de trouver de l’assurance pour oser entreprendre. Outrepasser la peur de l’échec , savoir composer avec et l’accepter.
Être capable de me juger a ma juste valeur. Connaître mon potentiel , mais aussi mes défauts et faiblesses.
Avoir une méthodologie de travail sur soi pour ne pas perdre les fruits du travail de coaching à terme.
Savoir reconnaître mes blocages pour les surpasser.
What did the coaching make possible?
Le coaching m’a permis de faire une profonde introspection tout en étant encadrée pour pouvoir me poser les bonnes questions.
Également de reprendre confiance en moi et mes capacités. Soit, l’état d’esprit est là, reste à l’entretenir et à le concrétiser par un projet.
If you were to recommend me to a friend, what would you say?
Le feeling est bien passé, je me suis sentie tout de suite à l’aise. Dans le flot d’informations que j’apportais, Sixtine faisait la part des choses pour cibler mes blocages. , et pointer des éléments de ma propre vie que je n’ai pas vu seule. Elle est compétente.
V.M May 2016
Avec pour objectif de retenter le Capes pour la 3ème fois, j’ai fais appel à Sixtine Gontier qui a bien voulu m’accompagner durant cette année. Le coaching m’a permis de définir mes valeurs et mes limites. Avec de très nombreux outils apportés avec bienveillance, j’ai pu appréhender et préparer cette épreuve qui me paraissait inaccessible. Je ne peux que conseiller cette démarche qui permet grâce à des techniques simples de prendre de l’assurance et de vivre les évènements en toute sérénité. Et ,que dire de plus quand l’expérience se couronne d’un succès !
Elodie June 2019
What was the goal of the coaching? What challenges did you face?
N’ayant pas travailler depuis le début de mon expatriation (bientôt 10 ans), je voulais évaluer et mettre en place un projet sérieux de retour au travail.
Il s’agissait donc pour moi de faire un bilan de compétence.
L’une des difficultés majeures après autant de temps passé loin du travail rémunéré est de croire en soi, en ses capacités. Une autre difficulté a été, dans mon cas, de nommer des métiers sans barrière, sans arrière pensée pour pouvoir ensuite faire le tri de ce qui me correspond et ce qui ne me ressemble pas. Vient ensuite les doutes et tergiversations car quitter une situation pour en affronter une inconnue est grande source d’angoisse.
What did the coaching make possible?
Le bilan de compétence m’a permis un retour vers mon identité profonde, m’a permis de pointer les valeurs importantes qui forment ma personnalité.
De ce fait pouvoir ensuite décider d’un projet de vie, d’une carrière qui me ressemble et donc dans lequel je serais à l’aise.
Le bilan de compétence m’a donné une fondation solide, une certitude que je suis capable d’atteindre l’équilibre qui est bon pour moi.
What specific tools did you discover? How useful are they in your life right now?
Parmi les outils utilisés, j’ai aimé faire mon parcours de vie. Cet outil m’a en particulier aidé à renouer avec mes motivations première, m’a permis de me recentrer sur ce qui me fait rêver/avancer.
J’ai aussi apprécié, malgré la difficulté personnelle, le jeux de carte des métiers. J’ai pu faire tomber les barrières que je me mettais. Et ainsi pu petit à petit devenir plus à l’aise avec mes choix.
Le verre de cocktail est aussi un outil graphique puissant.
Et enfin, le dernier graphe en toile, dont j’aime particulièrement le visuel et l’aspect de synthèse qu’il procure. Une sorte de feuille de route à laquelle se référer quand on se sent perdu.
If you were to recommend me to a friend, what would you say?
Je te recommanderais chaudement à mes ami(e)s.
Tu as une oreille attentive et bienveillante, tout en sachant poser le doigt sur les zones difficiles avec des questions bien ciblées.
Ton approche prends en compte l’entièreté de la personne avec son bagage professionnel, personnel et familial.
Depuis mon bilan de compétence, je me sens fortifiée et à l’aise avec mon choix de parcours.
Dominique, April 2018
My teen is in Junior Year, she is ADD and French only in US for 4 years. A lot for parents to handle all in the same time !!I felt overwhelmed when I called and just after one session, I was relieved. The issue is maybe the same but the new way of looking the situation changed so are our behaviors, decisions and actions !!
I will work again with Sixtine and write a review because other parents can benefit of her help. She is a sweet mom, she goes throught the same trials and she is a good Coach. Thanks Sixtine.